Sitecore Content Personalization

Personalization enables you to display targeted, relevant  content on your site visitors. By setting personalization rules that check for various details about your visitors and their visit to your website, you can ensure that right content displayed to right visitors in real time.

Personalization rules can be configured either in Content Editor or Experience Editor.

There are two types of Personalization of content can be configured:

  1. Rule-based Personalization
  2. Behavioural Personalization

Rule-based Personalization  uses logic based rules to determine content that is displayed on WebPage. For example : you can set rules based on IP address, GEO location, Goals and also based on data returned from backend services (login subscriber plan/status…etc)

Behavioural Personalization is based on user behaviour on website, it can be categorized with Profiles cards/keys/patterns. Here, you need to take Personas you have and understand how they relate to content on pages, define the properties that make up your personas and also recognize user patterns as they relate to your business.

How to Setup Behavioural Personalization

Dive deeper into personalization by continually tracking implicit user behaviour. To do so you need to take the personas that you have created and need to related to content pages, fill any content gaps, define the attributes that make up your personas, and ultimately recognize user patterns as they relate to your business.

Setting up a persona-based profile:

In Sitecore Experience Platform Dashboard – select Marketing Control Panel and expand Profiles folder.

Right click on the Profile folder to create your Persona Profile. Give a unique name and save :

Right-click on the new profile and create your keys, these keys should be attributes that make up the Persona profile cards you will create next and will be common across profile and pattern cards. Simply add a Max value of 10 and save. Repeat for all keys.

Click once on the Profile Cards folder, and create your Persona profile cards. There is also a non-Persona profile card, and the main difference is that Persona version allows you to add more details on Persona. Either you choose a non-Persona or a Persona profile, setting up the keys is a common and critical to a functioning Profile Card.

Key attributes associated with Person card:

Above steps Repeat for all Persona Profile cards that you have created.

Right-click on Pattern cards and create your own Pattern Cards

These pattern cards will determine how the common keys are set using sliders with specifying points :

Let’s assign all Associate Profiles and Profile Keys to Page content items:

UI Page content item got assigned with Profile card.

Pattern cards are used for Personalization rules based on the page visits occurred on particular session.  Select the Profile and Pattern that maps to the content and then review.

Publish all the items that got created/updated in above steps.

As Users traverse your website they will pick up Profile Card patterns basd on what is defined on the pages, SiteCore will track all this visits and server up component level content based on the pattern and the renders page.

Mongo Database stores for Profile: